Jordi Mas Elias
I am a professor of International Politics at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). I teach a variety of courses, chiefly related to International Political Economy and Research Methods.
Currently researching on the political economy of regionalism. Interested in bringing the tools of data analysis and machine learning to the study of international politics.
PhD. in Politics, Policies, and International Relations
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona- Thesis title: ‘The role of cohesiveness in the conclusion of inter-regional trade agreements with the European Union’.
- Mark: Cum laude
MSc in Political Economy of Europe
London School of Economics London- Mark: Merit
MSc in International Relations, Security and Development
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona- Mark: Merit
BSc Political Science and Public Management
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona- First-class honors
Teaching experience
I am an enthusiastic of teaching. I have taught different courses in Political Science, International Relations, and Research Methods.
Open University of Catalonia
BSc International Relations; MSc Conflict, Peace, and Security online- Serveral courses including Data Analysis; Sources of Information and Indicators in International Politics; Political Geography; Research Methods.
Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)
MSc International Relations; MSc International Development Barcelona- Research Methods; IR Theory; Political Economy of Development.
Research Experience
I have participated in several research projects and international conferences related to International Political Economy and the European Union.
Papers to international conferences
UACES, ECPR, EISA- European and International conferences of Political Science and International Relations.
Participation in research groups
EU-IANUS, EU-Normcon, EUN-NET- Research groups related to the European Union and International Politics.
Research workshops
Trade Politicization, NORTIA Network Conference, EUN-NET Phd Workshop- Workshops on trade, the European Union and international politics.
Currently I am publishing the outcomes of my doctoral thesis and preparing a dataset of regional cohesiveness.
The power of cohesiveness: internal factors that influence the external performance of regions
Article, forthcoming Journal of Common Market Studies- Regionalism, European Union, Qualitative Comparative Analysis.
Internal Cohesiveness of Regions: Factors Contributing to their External Performance
Article, forthcoming Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales- Regional cohesiveness, regionalism, external performance.
Data Analysis in International Politics
Textbook UOC Editorial- Use of R, data visualization, data wrangling, bivariate analysis.
Sources of Information and Indicators in International Studies
Teaching materials UOC teaching- Conceptualization, operationalization, measurement, missing data.